Networked LIFE Projects

Our objective is to share results and experiences, organize events, create stable cooperations and promote the exchange of information.

LIFE LessWatt

LIFE Innovative wireless tool for reducing energy consumption and GHGs emission of water resource recovery facilities

LIFE 16 ENV/IT/000486
Duration: October 2017 – March 2021

L'obiettivo principale del progetto LESSWATT è lo sviluppo di uno strumento innovativo per valutare e minimizzare i contributi diretti e indiretti della carbon footprint prodotta dalle vasche di ossidazione degli impianti di depurazione.


Modelling, Measurement and Improvement of the water management environmental impact in the food Industry

LIFE15 ENV/ES/000379
The main objective of the MCUBO Project is to minimize the environmental impact related to water management in the subsectors with the highest water consumption (meat, juices and canned vegetables) through an effective demonstration, at 3 industrial plants, of an integral management system based on:
• The implementation of a new low-cost wireless monitoring technology, Plug&Lean system.
• Detailed modeling of the sub-sectors ́ processes, that will serve to propose improvement actions and demonstrate its effectiveness before being implemented (easing the decision making and minimizing risks).
• Specific water management implementation on continuous improvement process in three demonstrators companies: GVTARRA and PepsiCo Iberia.